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Tuesday, December 7, 2021 - 08:24

Hey, so I'm going to be at Worldcon in Washington DC next week and I'll be on some programming. (See the event link.) If you happen to be there, look me up to say hi. The convention is being quite careful about Covid precautions. (Everyone must document vaccination, no exceptions. Required masking in all convention spaces.) I know we were all hoping that greater vaccine distribution and fergoodnessakes common sense precautions would have made the pandemic much less of an issue by now. But you make your best predictions and then you evaluate your risks. I'm comfortable (but careful) about traveling. And I intend to enjoy myself, and not think too much about those more carefree times when "con crud" was considered an unavoidable inconvenience as opposed to a model for disease transmission that perhaps we should have been addressing all along.

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