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Borris, Kenneth (ed). 2004. Same-Sex Desire in the English Renaissance: A Sourcebook of Texts, 1470-1650. Routledge, New York. ISBN 978-1-138-87953-9

Full citation: 

Borris, Kenneth (ed). 2004. Same-Sex Desire in the English Renaissance: A Sourcebook of Texts, 1470-1650. Routledge, New York. ISBN 978-1-138-87953-9

Publication summary: 


As indicated by the sub-title, this is a collection of edited texts relevant to same-sex desire in England in the two centuries centered around the 16th. These are not necessarily texts of 16th century England, but texts available to people in that time and place. In covering these chapters, I will tend to give a topical summary of the mentioned works, but may sometimes quote the sources more extensively as my whim takes me. I will also only cover the texts with female relevance. Therefore my coverage of some chapters may much briefer than others.

Somewhat delightfully for a book that purports to covered homoeroticism generally, and which has a male author, the coverage of female topics is better than cursory and includes topics specific to women, rather than simply adding in female examples in male-centered categories. The introduction provides a detailed and comprehensive survey and contextualization of the topic, including the usual discussions of competing theoretical frameworks and the approach to category labels whose meaning may have shifted over time.

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