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Dress and Textiles II: Metaphor and Materiality

Sponsor: DISTAFF (Discussion, Interpretation, and Study of Textile Arts, Fabrics, and Fashion); Pearl-Poet Society<?p>

Organizer: Robin Netherton, DISTAFF<?p>

Presider: Monica L. Wright, Univ. of Louisiana–Lafayette

Seeing Beyond the Color: The Green Knight’s Attire Kimberly Jack, Athens State Univ.

Dress and Textiles I: Representing Textiles and Dress

Sponsor: DISTAFF (Discussion, Interpretation, and Study of Textile Arts, Fabrics, and Fashion) Organizer: Robin Netherton, DISTAFF

Presider: Robin Netherton

The Banners in Beowulf M. Wendy Hennequin, Tennessee State Univ.

Had dinner at the usual favorite Indian place with a delightfully cozy group of just four. Dithered about whether to take in an evening session after that, but this roundtable about onomastics was impossible to resist.

What’s in a Name? A Roundtable on Names, Nicknames and Identity in the Middle Ages

Organizer: Elizabeth Archibald, Durham Univ.

Presider: Elizabeth Archibald

There weren’t any sessions that called strongly to me in the after lunch session, so I went to the book-room and browsed through a bit over half the publishers’ displays. I have another un-planned period Saturday morning when I can finish the shopping. I chose this session in part because I’ve been poking at my 10th century Viking/Welsh romance idea, and in part because of the textiles/clothing-themed paper.

Living and Dying in Viking-Age Ireland

Sponsor: American Society of Irish Medieval Studies (ASIMS)

Organizer: Rachel E. Scott, DePaul Univ.

NOTE: I'm sorry about the formatting. I'm having some sort of weird interaction with the website display which isn't giving me any control over fonts or formatting. I'll fix it later, but for now, it's a wall-o-text. UPDATE: OK, evidently I have to handcode everything in source code.

Session 537 - Female Friendship in Medieval Literature II

  • Sponsor: Medieval Studies Institute, Indiana Univ.–Bloomington
  • Organizer: Usha Vishnuvajjala, Indiana Univ.–Bloomington
  • Presider: Karma Lochrie, Indiana Univ.–Bloomington

Models of Female Friendship in the Lives of Saints - Andrea Boffa, York College, CUNY

Session 515 - Islamic Magic: Texts and/as Objects

  • Sponsor: Research Group on Manuscript Evidence; Societas Magica
  • Organizer: Liana Saif, Univ. catholique de Louvain
  • Presider: Liana Saif

Books as Robots: Authorship and Agency in Islamicate Alchemical Manuscripts - Nicholas G. Harris, Univ. of Pennsylvania

I had some difficulty in taking notes on this session. Part can be attributed to my unfamiliarity with the material, making it harder to sort out the relevant details from the background. But the speakers also rattled off their papers at great speed, which didn’t help.

Session 437: Occult Capitals of Islam

I should have noted earlier in this process that my notes must be understood as a quick-and-dirty attempt to summarize. All mistakes of interpretation, typos, and mis-transcribed data are my own fault. (With a plea for forgiveness due to the speed and not having time for close proofreading.)

Session 355: Reading Magic West to East

Not-a-session: Manuscripts to Materials

  • Sponsor: Research Group on Manuscript Evidence;
  • Societas Magica
  • Organizer: David Porreca, Univ. of Waterloo
  • Presider: Jason Roberts, Univ. of Texas–Austin

Practical Magic: Making Magical Artifacts and Using Them


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