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Hey folks! Not only will I be returning to Chessiecon (as usual) this year, but by sheer coincidence, I'll be celebrating the release of Mother of Souls (Alpennia #3) which will be published that month. Come to my reading on Friday for celebratory freebies and a chance to win a copy!

Friday, November 25, 2016 to Sunday, November 27, 2016
Location map: 
Event sessions: 

Reading: Heather Rose Jones (Greenspring 2)

Heather will be reading from -- and celebrating the release of! -- her new novel Mother of Souls, the third book in the Alpennia series. She will have some celebratory freebies to give away to attendees.

Greenspring 2
Date and time: 
Friday, November 25, 2016 - 18:00

Combining Hard Science and Fantasy (or: High-Tech Magic) (Greenspring 1)

Just because some of the laws of physics are different doesn't mean they aren't laws. What does technology look like in a fantasy universe? How has this been explored in speculative fiction, and how might it be explored? How many elements of magic, (e.g. teleportation, FTL travel) can be included in hard SF before it becomes fantasy? Some classic noteworthy interplay exists in Ringworld (Niven), Operation Chaos (Anderson), and Darkover (Bradley).

Greenspring 1
Date and time: 
Friday, November 25, 2016 - 21:15

Silent Symphonies: Incorporating Music into Literature (Greenspring 3-5)

Music is an important part of many stories, but writing about it presents an innate paradox: music is sound, while the page of a book is silent. How do you capture song through words alone? This panel will discuss the role of music in various works of literature and the methods writers have used to tackle this challenge.

Greenspring 3-5
Date and time: 
Saturday, November 26, 2016 - 11:15

It's Awesome, Well-Written, and Groundbreaking...But Do You Like It? (Greenspring 3-5)

Sometimes the greatest thing since sliced bread isn't your cup of tea. How do you handle it when everyone around you is singing the praises of something that just didn't click for you? Is it OK to dislike something even if it's changing the world? Can you appreciate it for what it tried to do even if it didn't do it for you? Are there ways to still usefully participate in the conversation?

Greenspring 3-5
Date and time: 
Saturday, November 26, 2016 - 16:15

Stupendous Bollocks (Greenspring 2)

Our host asks obscure questions which exist not to be answered but to encourage panelists to tell us what they know (or what they can make up) about the subject. Points are awarded for interesting answers, regardless of their correctness or relevance to the original topic.

Greenspring 2
Date and time: 
Sunday, November 27, 2016 - 13:45