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See my annotations of the 2016 Tomato Review now that I have all the plants correctly identified. The varietal tags were hidden under the foliage when I was trying to figure out which was which. This year I'll I'll do better. I selected a handful of varieties that had performed well last year, and then figured I'd try a number of new ones. (Also: my usual nursery tends to have a lot of varieties, but not necessarily the same ones every year, except for favorites.)

ETA: So here it is April 16, 2017 and I'm preparing the beds for the new tomato plants and I discover that of course I kept track of exactly what was planted where, becasue I tucked each plant ID tag right along the edge of the wall of the bed where it was planted. These tags were, of course, impossible to see in mid-summer when the plants were lush. So I've annotated the entries below with the correct IDs when I guessed wrong.

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