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StoryBundle: The Last Push

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 - 21:15
Historic Fantasy StoryBundle book covers

It's just over 48 hours to the end of the Historic Fantasy StoryBundle. A whole collection of magical explorations of the past for an astoundingly affordable price. Now, I suspect that most of my  readers have already either bought it or decided not to buy it. But on the off chance that you're still teetering on the edge, here's an incentive. We are in spitting distance of the bundle sales numbers hitting a nice, round arbitrary target. I'm not going to tell you what it is, but I'll tell you if we made it. And if we make that target by the time the bundle offer finishes, I will give away five e-books of The Mystic Marriage, the sequel to my StoryBundle book Daughter of Mystery, to interested parties who bought the bundle. (That part is going to be on the honor system.)

Here's how it works: On Friday morning, if we've made the target, I'll make a post here on the blog announcing it. The the first five interested parties who comment on that post (stating that they bought the bundle) will get a free e-book of The Mystic Marriage. So watch this space, and if you've been wavering, consider it an incentive.

ETA: Geonn Cannon has been inspired to make a similar bonus chance-to-win if we hit the target. Check it out!