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The Newsletter is Knocking on the Door

Saturday, October 21, 2017 - 12:48

My brain is about to explode with the learning curve for both Hootsuite (for scheduling routine promotional postings on social media) and Mailchimp (for my new monthly author newsletter). The eventual goal will be to have a widget for subscribing to the newsletter embedded in the website structure itself, but for now, I'm testing out the html code for embedding it on a page. So go ahead and sign up if you want to -- it'll help me test how it works.

I'll post about more detailed plans and incentives for the newsletter later, but my plan is to send out a regular monthly newsletter with writing updates, information on convention appearances, reminders of forthcoming publications, and bits of "bonus content" about worldbuilding, how the series developed, things that didn't make it into the published books, and so forth. So...[I take a deep breath]...let's see how this works.

ETA: OK, that was so clearly not going to work I just deleted it. Sorry about any confusion.

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