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Becoming GDPR Compliant

Thursday, May 24, 2018 - 09:49

I'm belatedly catching up with the requirement to make my Mailchimp newsletter sign-up GDPR compliant. If you're currently on the mailing list, you should have received a verification email. If you want to remain on the mailing list, please click through and respond. (It's very simple.) I'll do some sort of giveaway drawing as an incentive for those who respond promptly.

In the mean time, if you aren't yet receiving the newsletter and want to sign up, for now, please use this link. I haven't figured out how to modify the form on this website to include the GDPR opt-in buttons. (I've changed the link on my site and on the facebook page, but my web gurus set up the Drupal-based form here and I haven't had time to work out how to change it yet.)

What does the newsletter get you?

  • Updates on what I'm writing (or what I think I should be working on, at least)
  • Reminders of my upcoming publications and appearances
  • A regular "Who's Who in Alpennia" feature that gives you back-stories of minor characters and a glimpse at the reference images I used to visualize them
  • Some sort of bonus content, which has included short fiction, Alpennian recipes, worldbuilding information, notes from my first-draft diary for Daughter of Mystery showing how the story developed, or other material based on reader requests
  • Being on the mailing list also means that I'll sometimes send you an alert about special limited-time sale prices. In general, I'll only send these if it's a really significant discount (like: half-price or better), but not the ones that are only a couple dollars off. If you want to be notified of all the Bella Books sales, you can subscribe to the Bella newsletter (toward the bottom of this page).
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